Personal Photography & Videography
Personal photography and videography is permitted (and encouraged!) during regular business hours in the Mix-Tape experience. Please follow these guidelines:
All safety guidelines must be followed.
No large equipment such as large bags, tripods, large photo equipment, etc. Handheld cameras ONLY.
No props or costume changes.
Photography must be conducted without disruption to Mix-Tape operations or the experience of other participants, and without limiting the accessibility of entrances/exits, doorways, pathways and high traffic areas.
Photography/videography is permitted for private, noncommercial use only. Photographs may not be published, sold, reproduced, or otherwise distributed for commercial use. (Personal social media use is awesome and encouraged – tag us!)
A Photo Pass is available for Professional Photographers with portrait clients during regular Mix-Tape hours, under the following guidelines:
All guidelines above must be followed, including: no props, no costume changes, no large bags, no large photo equipment, no disruption to operations or the experience of other guests.
All participants must purchase General Admission tickets.
Photographer(s) must each purchase a Photo Pass.
Limit 1 hour.
Failure to abide by these guidelines will result in immediate removal and refusal of future admission.
Professional Photography & Videography
Professional photography and videography are permitted in the Mix-Tape experience outside of regular business hours. Rental rates apply. Please follow these guidelines:
Mix-Tape/Factory Obscura imagery will not be associated with any sexually or violently explicit content.
Mix-Tape/Factory Obscura imagery will not be associated with any politically motivated content.
Mix-Tape/Factory Obscura imagery will not be associated with any hate speech or oppressive material.
Mix-Tape/Factory Obscura imagery will not be associated with drugs or alcohol.
Mix-Tape/Factory Obscura imagery will not be used to promote or market a product or brand. (Some exceptions to this may apply, but must have prior approval from Factory Obscura.)
Mix-Tape/Factory Obscura imagery will not be associated with religious content.
All commercial materials in which Mix-Tape imagery appears must have the express written approval of Factory Obscura or its representative before said materials may be published, sold, reproduced, or otherwise commercially distributed. Submission procedures will be provided upon completion of the rental agreement.
Factory Obscura does not allow the production of creative projects inside our art experience spaces, such as movies, music videos, album covers, etc. Exceptions require express written permission, and are only considered for projects where Factory Obscura is involved as an active collaborator with creative oversight.
Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in a cease and desist of material publications and subsequent legal ramifications.
Rental Rates
Base rates for professional shoots vary based on the day and time of the event and include the following:
Access to the full MIX-TAPE experience
1 hour shoot
Folding tables and chairs are available.
Base rates are available only during hours that MIX-TAPE is not open to the public. Commercial shoots held during normal MIX-TAPE operating hours will be charged at a premium.
Rental Details
All safety guidelines must be followed.
No food or drink is allowed in the building.
Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times, no more than 3 children per adult.
Private Photo Rental admits the person/people being photographed, the photographer(s), and no more than 4 additional people as crew/support. Contact us if your shoot has additional requirements.

Ready to schedule your shoot? Sweet. Just complete this form and one of our awesome agents will be in touch.