Holiday Market Call for Local Artists

Factory Obscura Holiday Artist Markets- November 30th, 2024 & December 14, 2024

Factory Obscura seeks artist submissions for our Annual Holiday Artist Markets, November 30th & December 14th 2024, 3-6PM. 

These annual markets seek to highlight the best, most unique, fun, & wondrous artist's work in Oklahoma so, we are looking for artists to apply who would like to create new works to debut at this market, and are interested in creating fun and artistic shopping experiences.

The Artist Markets will be held outdoors. In case of inclement weather, the Markets may be cancelled/postponed and attempts will be made to reschedule or moved indoors if possible.

*If inclement weather happens during the November 30th Market, the market will either be potentially rescheduled or cancelled.

*If inclement weather happens during the December 14th market, the market will be moved indoors.

All participating artists are responsible for processing their own sales and for collecting/reporting sales tax. Factory Obscura does not receive any commission on sales, and there is no charge to participating artists.

All items sold at the Market must be designed and created by you, and/or other partner artists. No items based off of trademarked characters, shows, books, comics, etc...Original work only.

The Market is free to apply, and there is no fee for participating artists.

Tables and chairs may be provided on request. 

Participating artists are encouraged to get creative with displays, to provide a fun experience for guests. Don't forget to bring signage and other promotional materials to let shoppers know who you are, and how to follow your work! 

PLEASE NOTE: If you are accepted into the Artist Market you will be expected to participate in marketing the event(s) on social media and in the community. 

DEADLINE TO APPLY is Monday, SEPTEMBER 30th, 2024 by midnight. Artists will be notified of acceptance no later than OCTOBER 8th, 2024. Submission does not guarantee acceptance, as space is limited. Artists that are accepted will be sent an acceptance email, along with a Market Artist Agreement; once the Market Artist Agreement is signed and returned the artist will officially be a part of the Factory Obscura Holiday Artist Market.

The Holiday Artist Markets will be held Saturday, NOVEMBER 30th & DECEMBER 14th, 2024, 3-6PM. Artists will be given designated times for set up/arrival closer to the date of the market.

Keep in mind this is an outdoor market so, please plan your booth accordingly. Tents are acceptable.

*Factory Obscura does not provide tents

All current CDC safety guidelines will be enforced.

NOTE: Any type of artwork or media MADE BY YOU OR A COLLABORATING ARTIST is allowable, including but not limited to: painting, prints, sculpture, zines, comics, jewelry, fiber works, clothing (designed by and created by artists) and altered vintage, furniture, housewares, etc..and we encourage you to use the space creatively! 

Artwork displayed must follow general content guidelines: no political or religious content, no use of hate speech or derogatory language/imagery, no depictions of drugs/drug use, no drug paraphernalia, and no depictions of violence or graphic sexual content.

Factory Obscura reserves the right to remove artworks from display that do not meet the above content guidelines, or are not in line with the representative artworks submitted below.

*No burning incense, no smoking or vaping at your booth or on the premises.

*No drinking alcohol at your booth or on the premises.

*Someone must be running your table at all times; do not leave your booth unattended. 

*Electricity is not provided

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